What does it mean "to have heart"?
This is the question I asked Robert, an experienced boxer and jazz mucician in East London. In just about three and a half minutes, he explains what it means "to have heart" in the Martial Arts and Boxing in partiular. He also draws parallels to the London riots in 2011 and social disparities in London.
There is tension in the air. You can feel it. Everybody tries to make it somehow, to compete and to win. In one corner of the video collage I am confronted by the Security Guards of Canary Wharf, a banking district in East London, because I tried to run through this private high security area with a camera rig. In another corner there are two Muay Thai fights that I shot during a Muay Thai competition in the O2 Arena. On the left side something is about to explode. Hand wraps are prepared. Then the knockouts happen. Different videos of different lenghts phase in and out: a pattern of variation and repetition. Everything happens simultaneously.
Robert finishes the interview with a statement: "We, the majority, we have to weak up. Change is necesseray."
London, March 2015